Hendricks Gin 70cl

Hendricks Gin 70cl

 In stock
£34.95 inc VAT
  • Stock code
  • 1471
  • ABV
  • 41.4%
  • Country
  • Scotland
  • Packaging
  • Glass
  • Region
  • Glasgow
  • Size
  • 70cl
  • Type
  • Standard


This handcrafted gin from Hendricks is distilled from a proprietary recipe which includes traditional botanicals such as juniper, coriander and citrus peel. The 'unexpected' infusion of cucumber and rose petals result in a most iconoclastic gin. Drink Hendrick's & Tonic with a slice of Cucumber, not lime.

Background: Despite the possibilities of surprise, most people shy away from what is odd. This gin is for those rare individuals who are excited by what is strange and different. The fact is no other gin tastes like Hendrick's, and this truth only enhances the experience.

Preferred by 1 out of 1000 Gin Drinkers - which is fine by the guys at Hendrick's as it's not easy making this stuff!

It's not for everyone. But it's loved by a tiny handful of people all over the world.