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Casillero del Diablo

Casillero del Diablo is the brand of the Concha y Toro Winery in Chile, founded by Don Melchor de Santiago Concha y Toro and his wife, Emiliana Subercaseaux, in 1883.

The legend of Casillero del Diablo tells of Don Melchor, who noticed that bottles kept disappearing from his cellar, despite being locked away. To put an end to this, he spread a rumour that the Devil himself lived in the wine cellar. In an era of superstition, the rumour spread and soon few found themselves inclined to attempt to steal from the "Casillero del Diablo".

Today, Concha y Toro is the largest producer of wines from Latin America and is one of the global leaders in its field, producing a range of wines to suit a wide variety of palates.
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